
What are we about ?

If you are looking for some quality stuff about funny logical reasoning then you are at the right place. Here you will find riddles, puzzles, funny questions which you usually see on most social networks, we just pick all the quality stuff that matters and put it all here in one blog so that if someone asks you the riddle next time then you will be the first to post the answer. So if you really want to impress others by your mind you better stick with us.
We wanted to make this site simple so it’s easy to navigate and easy to read and everyone who has access to a computer or a smartphone can view and read about something funny and logical things.
We first created a Facebook page Stupid Questions and when it reached a decent number of likes and audience we decided to create a separate blog so that we can make our stuff more organised and have more freedom with our audience.

Different Pages

1). Questions :- All riddles, puzzles, can be found on this page.

2). Funny :- Stuff where the answer is not much serious and you have to use presence of mind.

3). Answers :- Solutions to all of the above two pages can be found here, you should note the code given in the riddle so that you may find the solutions much faster.

Please help us by sharing this blog as it really help us to bring more and more quality stuff for you.

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